Saturday, August 18, 2007


Entry made by Tina and Kevin:

A few weeks ago Linda Sproat contacted us about doing a family portrait shoot. She informed us that her family would be vacationing in Sedona in August and that they would like to have a nice portrait done in the beauty of red rock country to act as a centerpiece for her living room. She also mentioned that she would like the portrait to have a painted look to it.

The family consisted of Linda and her husband Jim, their two daughters, two son-in-laws, and two granddaughters. We met them on Tuesday at Red Rock Crossing - one of our favorite Sedona locations - amidst threatening black clouds and rumbling thunder. Luck was on our side though as the weather held out, with only a slight sprinkle felt here and there.

The really unbelievable part of this story is that it turns out the Sproat family - most of them anyways - live in Raleigh, North Carolina. This would not seem all that remarkable, were it not for the fact that I (Tina) was born and raised in Raleigh and, in fact, my family still lives there. Adding to this coincidence, Linda and Jim live only miles from my parent's home, and consequently my childhood home. Stranger still, as I began speaking with their daughters, we discovered we all went to the same high school at almost the same time. Who would have ever thought I would be standing in Arizona, photographing a family that I have never met, yet we lived for years, all the way across the country, only miles away from one another. I guess the saying really is true - it is a small world!

Kevin and I would both like to say to the Sproat family that it was a pleasure meeting all of you. We had a great time photographing such an obviously close family. You made a beautiful group and the little girls were simply lovely together! We hope you enjoy the small sampling above.

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